Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) — Signups [15/15]

I adore Spy but this character just resonated with me when I first saw it.

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atlas outed after you inned

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I got away with it last time by claiming noble and putting the outsiders in my noble pings by sheer guesswork and then town killed them all lol

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then they decided I was telling the truth because one of the outsiders was a politican who claimed minion

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Would this issue carry over to longform for you?

i think the largest part of it is mostly that i dont get any kill agency, and it sucks to be a character who doesnt get to plan around anything
especialyl on bmr-esques where planning is the crux of winning

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Town lost the politiican won


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We have a Pit Hag so this script is already designed around the possibility for evils to use good abilities.

itd be mitigated in longform but it wouldnt be fully gone in my opinion, though ive never played it so i wouldnt know for sure

Look i am on holiday. I wouldnt be as active as normal. @atlas you join back i will out. I miscointed its on me

I do, as a personal opinion, actually despise playing against spy. You don’t care if good knows you, the evil team, have a spy, because you still have the grim and can still make certain players who rolled powerful roles go bye bye

Widow would be fine purely because it has an incentive to keep those roles around and not just insta-kill them because why wouldn’t you

I am happy to spec this one

I suppose Huli Jing doesn’t counter Minstrel as Spy does, but y’know. That’s not an issue.

The absolute, Absolute worst role in a spy game is Monk.

You’re just useless and die N1

no it does since it misregisters

nada, danka

i’ll rejoin if 13 is gotten

It’s not even if dead.

Nada danka?

mez :pleading_face:

my favourite


…and if spy is removed.
i still hate spy.
no pressure but God it sucks so bad and it makes ojo+raven way less fun

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