Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) β€” Signups [15/15]

Does the assassin bypass pithag arbitrary deaths

/in seat 1


I’ll pick either thief or apprentice

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Return of the king

Welcome GGhana what brings you back

do you have any preference because i do not

well actually i have a pref against apprentice in a 3 minion game but if we run on 12 i do not care

signups close 2023-12-07T05:00:00Z, for everyone who was on the fence about it

@baker @Atlas absolutely zero pressure to join i just feel like i would be remiss to not let you know


with a vote of 8 to 1, i think im okay calling the vote there
spy is being replaced with huli jing

@Luka i want to let you know since you voted against it. if this is a dealbreaker for you, you have ample time to unsign.


@otterpopd see above post

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that’s fine

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would play if this started a week later. sadge

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not gonna travel in cuz dont love travellers in general

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we’ll get her next time (maybe in the summer)


nah summer i got internship going on. I got a weird 2 week period before it that you might get me but best bet would be winter lol


we’ll get her the time after next time

a week later was more convenient for me but is not actually more convenient for the queue if there are games behind me and i dont wanna upset people

no fair i getchu. hf gaming. looking forward to end of game art drop

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@YoubutWorse i think you expressed interest in dms so want to let you know about this
as above, zero pressure to join

i want to join but im not in the mood for another BOTF after the last one. am really excited to (eventually) see the art though!

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yeah see here’s the thing

the offical ruling is the cannibal just gains no ability apparently