Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) β€” Signups [15/15]

i would argue that if this scenario somehow happens the storyteller deserves the win

character abilities > base wincons (excluding LM shenanigans)

evil wins this


I think litten would like PD mouldwarp

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What’s that

the mouldwarp is a minion that becomes an out of play demon on its first night, whilst also making it so that demons only wake every other night (even if dead).

This means the ST will legitimately just gain a demon ability


@snowe @Amelia

so is it just an atheist jumpscare or do you only have to vote out the starting demon. if the latter pd mouldwarp kinda sucks


…i cant add that to the OP but i can change the title

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which, well, does bring us to a neat 15

since this is now a TBA Playtestβ„’, I’d appreciate being added as a spectator/rules consultant


anyway i’ll spec i guess

We have space for 1 traveller

yeah but that would involve playing botf

Yes but the art

The art in itself is worth anything

i will enjoy the art postgame. or in spec chat if one exists (no pressure to make one)

i will abuse my mod powers to view the art early so i can enjoy it before you fools (for legal reasons this is a joke)


wait a second … could u abuse ur mod powers to read my forum PMs with marissa? oh no … :fearful:

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Mods are auto added to any scandalous dm’s

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oh my god