Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) — Signups [15/15]

this question is worded in a way that implies i have not already done so

ur fucked kiddo

actual serious answer inside


seriouser nerdier answer

its still no


@Kiiruma i have someone who wanted to play but didn’t have time to create a forum account, is it okay if you travel?

Is the game starting once you finish your art, Snowe?

Wouldn’t it be possible to make it 16p

why is botc capped at 15p

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mehhhhhhhhhhhhh having one flagbearer gets iffy at that playercount

at some point it becomes too good-favored with a flagbearer
… probably


we do have a mm and a pithag tho

im planning to poll it im just
dealing with some stuff right now

I guess the more players the more meat shields for good which give them time to narrow the demon

Because of how character distribution works, you would be forced to add a fifth evil at sixteen players.

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That’s an issue because then you have all four Minions in play guaranteed, or a second starting Demon which violates the classic rules.

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if i were trying to balance 16 players id probably try to distribute playercount like 10/2/2/2

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Riot actually does fix it, that’s the problem.


I know what im doing when garden of sin releases

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Waiting to eat my words as GoS is revealed to have a way for riot to enter play midgame and it’s integral to the script design


@GGhana @Kiiruma @Litten @baker @tutuu @Bionic @Jarek @Luka @IcetFeelsPain @Artemis @Silviu200530 @Magnus @May @otterpopd @Atlas @Hazardwaste

  • start night 1 once all the (non-traveller) art is done
  • start night 1 asap and fill in the art during the game once i draw it

0 voters

vote for both if you dont care, just so i can see that you saw the poll
for context, i need to draw 4 more arts, 3rd minions evil art, 3rd minions good art, and the two extra townsfolk arts

either way, night 1 will start at the earliest 2023-12-08T00:00:00Z

never mind scratch the poll atlas pointed out to me that its meta’able, ill have to finish all the art so that people cant meta things based on who didnt receive art
ill try to get it done as fast as possible

im exploding im overworked to hell and back
im gonna back out of committing to doing things “as fast as possible”
ill try to do it in half a week. steady pace of one a day
ill aim to start night 1 on the weekend

apologies if this is inconvenient for anybody