Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) — Signups [15/15]

it doesnt let me vote anyway

pat pat

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being a host is hard

Can luna play in this game?

Artemis showing up made me want to play on luna their pfp is so adorable

maybe as a hydra with you (i think that nobody who has account access is playing)

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a hydra by myself would be awesome, we would split our whispers so we only get half each and I can roleplay as luna


vulgard, story, abbi, italy are the other ppl who can access the account so i think its okay

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I’m here to carry a cat.

I know what you are.


as much as its a funny meme id generally prefer you to play on one account for like, the sake of a votecount and for the sake of not confusing all the people who did not play in that game

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I’ll play on this account.

I think personally luna fits more with only a limited amount of whispers and would discourage me from posting a lot

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plus kii and artemis are playing
what could go wrong!

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Is luna an actual character btw?

kinda yeah
her exact nature is kinda spoilery but yes she exists in the world


I need tips on roleplaying luna

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like when is the nature of the Random Fox that Follows the Main Character Around not spoilery


Oh no

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time for kii to rand fisherman

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