I’m obviously good tbis game (please make me good night :( )
Ojo missing works fantastic with Assassin and Pit Hag here.
Mojo Ojo
It would be really funny to turn a townsfolk into the spy
there is no gardener in play
Turn me into the Spy please.
monkey’s paw curls
you are evil and there is a good spy in the game
Wait, coild tbis theoritically lead to a drunk spy if a pithag exists?
Why is this a jinx
because RAW you would wake the Exorcist after the pit hag changes them but this is logistically not possible in longform
hot-take I think sailor is a garbage townsfolk
/in btw any seat
new sailor patch: sailor is hard-conf on this script
Why’s that it sounds awesome
9/10 the ST’s will make it drunk forever once it’s found out
*(we decided that Sailors more likely to die from drinking themselves to nerf the overall power)
Pithagging a minion into a sailor, having them confirm themselves; then making them the demon sounds funny
How do you run a killed Ravenkeeper?
ravenkeeper chooses a player every night, they hit that player if they die