Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) β€” Signups [15/15]


can i change seats? /in 13

Otter’s trying to sit in my lap.


/in 15

Magnus is already 13

i’m trying to harrass may you’re just in my way nya

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/in seat 5

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I’m lonely now

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/join seat 11

Poor isolated witten without bluffs in a redcheck.

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actually hold on let me

What does sitting adjacent to a player mean mechanically? Also if theres empty seats between u and a player do u count as sitting next to them?

/replace seat 11

I am so tempted.

Empty seats will be removed from the circle when the game begins.
For this script, it only matters that you can lean over and talk to your neighbours.


Oh so you can’t whisper non-adjacent people? Alright thank u

Don’t worry tutuu
Even if I’m good I’ll give you my claim so you can safely bluff it as a minion

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You can whisper anyone, but it’s like the difference between sitting over with someone across the room, and just slightly nudging your head in one direction.

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I dont understand :sweat_smile: is there mechanically a difference at all?