Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Who talks to talk to me talk talk talk talk talk talk

/whisper May

We already whispered!! New talk new info new talk

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I want to talk to ppl :frowning:

Unless you have something new to information

/whisper Someone

/whisper accept

This is why we’re neighbours.

But I want to save my words what if new words new to say novel information important come up new

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If Litten was your neighbour, we know what those fifteen words would be each day.


Tahat s different

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Tahat? The Algerian mountain?

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Signal a break.


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@jarek can we talk later?

Or now

3 deaths is rough, but with a true gossip I think we are fine.

i would’ve said so if i were

I figured.