Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Did you lie to may

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Posting this

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I hate you.


Why did you lie to your only whisper.

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Well fair, I COULD whisper all my minions at once and communicate with my teammates. Or use it as a ruse as I just go ahead and tell one of my evil neighbors all my information and leave it to them.

B-But I l-love your pfp…

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I thought about it some more the claim is bad

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But it’s bad in a way that is bad

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Is it a claim you lie about.

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It’s a claim that I think is a lie but it also gets you killed. Its only benefit is to justify lying


Basically if otter is evil she’s given up on surviving


And it’s not like, you last game, where you had sorta a reason to lie right

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I don’t think she is the Demon and I don’t think she whispered the Demon before talking to Magnus/neighbour whispering me a 3f3, if they had contact it had to be after that, and also someone else is sus but if I say that I feel like it gives away too much

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Otter whispered with me too. After talking with Atlas in code im getting conflicting information

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There’s only one Good reason on this script I can think of to lie like this

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@atlas did you tell tutuu my role

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Can we exile the afk traveler

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we need 3 more

They did

The conflict doesnt stem from your claim or so I think

Does the conflict stem from their?

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