Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

They claimed in codes right?

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something bad happened with that.

if this is the reality then it has to be Artemis because I had a 1 on 1 whisper with them last



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idk if i should say. atlas is being cagey about it. silviu is also being cagey about it. i dont wanna ruin stuff. but im worried

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i dont understand what they’re doing.


need to know basis I guess, I like knowing but as long as they deem it not relevant to what I’m cooking then it’s fine

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Silviu works if you guys don’t trust them.

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im just saying if they dont end up explaining themselves they are just a minion. i dont think demon. but minion exactly. for reasons. i can explain later if/when we put cards on the table

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that’s great if they are a minion because I’ve been ignoring them and they would fit into anything I make

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do you not trust me and atlas?

I love how L.una is just jumping on a wagon for no reason

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What if it’s just Someone

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I fail to see the issue what even happened

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I’ve made my reasons clear.

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you trusted us earlier and now you’re refusing to claim

we asked you 5 times

do you maintain your previous claim?

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What part of this you did not get

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Did you only read the part where it attests your homosexuality


oh wait. you connected them. i didnt realize this was our code lol

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