Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

There’s a genuine chance I didn’t notice the whisper if I never accidently clicked on the whisper trying to get to atlas.

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i’m new. i thought cannibal should be attempting to perform an action every night. are they not?

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Hmmm, nevermind. After a quick check-up, they were copying my claims and then added that role

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@tutuu can u NOT heart this message challenge 100% fail


Who the fuck knows. They promise to die tomorrow.

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Atlas, what is happening with 118

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118 claimed 140 publicly

again. what do you think?

If you die you don’t preform an action

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I don’t know why they’re doing that

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Dead people don’t have abilities. If you are currently dead by the time your character acts. You don’t act.

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here’s the list
the hosts go down the list
if something above you in the resolution killed you. You don’t act

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I can’t see it in iso

but I am going to assume that’s the truth

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I can see now

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Not having whispers is sad

Litten when they lost the priviledge to jump in and out of whispers within minute

Atlas how many whispers do you have left


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That’s so based! Let’s the 3 of us engage in one right now!!