Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

luna is out

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Very well, then we have to continue without L.una


@Magnus Have you woke up from ye slumber?

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I donā€™t like not being informed I take it back I donā€™t like being town.

Then letā€™s swi-

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I have just woken up, thank you. Did you discuss the conspiracy we formed privately?

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Let me remember what that was

An outsider could be evil fake claiming too, so maybe minions on those.

Senty moment

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Etienne moment

baker (6): Atlas, Artemis, May, Magnus, tutuu, L.una
Magnus (5): Artemis, tutuu, L.una, baker, Bionic
Bionic (4): May, Magnus, tutuu, L.una
May (3): Artemis, baker, Bionic
Silviu200530 (2): Artemis, Magnus
L.una (2): Artemis, Bionic
Jarek (2): May, tutuu
Artemis (2): baker, Bionic
Someone (1): May
tutuu (1): Bionic

Not Voting (8): Someone, Kiiruma, Jarek, Luka, IcetFeelsPain, Silviu200530, otterpopd, Hazardwaste

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cannibal inherits the ability of the chopped person. we chopped otter d1. did luka not have an unknown ability to use on the following night? at least thats what i read about it on the wiki - that the cannibal has an unkown ability and they have to guess what it is, and try to aim it. or something like that. yes luka died on the same night but he didnt know heā€™d die, would he still not have opportunity to use otterā€™s ability?

they died before they would recieve their information

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Hi Litten. Youā€™re good, but there is an alternative world where Atlas was the previous Demon and the PitHag took matters into their own hands and wrested Demonhood from them.

Evidence to support this:

Atlas heard I was the Ravenkeeper on the first day. Going off first day whispers, it is impossible for Atlas to have received this information except from their neighbour Otter who is outed evil, but Atlas neither mentioned nor warned that they might have received such information due to this line.

Otter had exclusively whispered me on the first day, meaning Otter could only have ā€œagreedā€ if they leaked my role claim to Atlas privately ahead of time, which makes this public interaction something like theatre.

Second piece of evidence:

During your whisper with Baker today, you came to the conclusion that Baker was the Mutant. Meanwhile, Atlas was insistent that Baker had to be evil, as if to push shade onto more people. I donā€™t believe Atlas and Baker are both evil, but I think thereā€™s one between them (and Iā€™d be fine with killing the latter to clear out this world).

Third piece of evidence:

Atlas has thrown varying levels of suspicion onto the following players: May, Silviu, Artemis, Baker, Hazard, Otter and me. Iā€™m unsure what their worldview is, whereas v!Atlas in previous games has been fairly cohesive.

Fourth piece of evidence:

The world in which Atlas was killed in the night explicitly requires that the evil team werenā€™t all paying attention. As you know, Atlas was posited as a Demon candidate yesterday, which means it would be strange for the Demon to kill them in the night (since Luka makes for a likelier Gossip-esque kill). The Storytellers didnā€™t nominate Atlas, so they were certainly paying attention.

Fifth piece of evidence:

Nobody has claimed Pit-Hagged today. I donā€™t believe Atlas could have been the Imp as it would override the Assassin kill, delete a Mastermind or extinguish a Pit-Hag unnecessarily.

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Cannibal goes in the night order of the role they inherited

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hm. how would this work on a forum setting? is this explanation for irl setting? well whatever, lukaā€™s dead so it doesnā€™t matter for now. but i will need help understanding it for future games

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Thereby acting as motivation for the Pit-Hag pass.

the story tellers wake up characters in the order tbey go in, in forum this means they wouldnā€™t wake up someone who was killed, even if you submit an action cuz forum, you might be dead by the time your action would be processed

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I get the confusion, because any other conditional characters like that submit an action anyway, just in case, but the Cannibal canā€™t work like that unless you submitted every possible action in the game.

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yeah but luka still would try to submit an action n2, no? just in case otterā€™s action goes before the NK