Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

what is that

that liked my damn post


is this true?

I am ill right now

Think it’s a fly, I killed it.

Why wouldn’t it be

I feel like I am in a spike trap and not in a fun way

so you lied about atlas gambler checking you

Otter posts today are giving up and she doesn’t give up

No, they did. They meant they thought you were the pixie.

I wanted to see if you claimed pixie who became gambler.

Unless Atlas lied to me too.

If Otter had merely seen others claiming around the circle that I had been fakeclaiming, even though they believed I had claimed as such to them privately, the “all agreed” statement wouldn’t be cohesive. This implies a discussion and a communal opinion getting reached, with multiple people,

Nevertheless, you did not leave the chat with the same opinion, continuously forcing pressure onto a slot that Litten didn’t want further interaction with. From my perception, you’re usually on the same wavelength as other villagers, which is why it’s fun to solve with you. In the previous game, just chatting for an hour privately about the gamestate.

Furthermore, the description you gave Baker’s behaviour in said whisper did not resemble “obvious evil” text.

I added Silviu specifically of a single line you had about “wanting to follow-up on bad behaviour”. Reevaluating isn’t the problem, it’s an odd lack of direction even into the beginning of D2.

In which case the players in your D1 whispers should be suspect to you, presumably Baker. In which case this may have falsely tailored your perception of their slot…
Are you still claiming Gambler?

Irrelevant. You were still suspected elsewhere. You’re always suspected elsewhere, by the nature of being you.

Assuming the Demon wouldn’t be nominated on the first day, sure.

It’s still possible otter is good but I highly doubt it because her claim is suspect and she’s socially just. In. Antispew

Ill feature flocks together

well l.una asked me to check them as mayor yesterday and today atlas died and i lived. this makes them think i am evil but in reality THERE WAS NO POINT IN CHECKING ME

what description?

What part about her claim is suspect? We know there’s an Artist, and the suspected other Pixie is no longer claiming such.