Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I did it BC I was planning to go Pixie N2

this is where you fake people out and go raven!

This is where you go Lunatic.

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my whispers are pure.
my whispers are pure.
my whispers are pure.
my whispers are pure.

i am sane lucid and reasonable.

Your whispers are as pure as your corpse.

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@Jarek feel free lmk when youā€™re around. Icet, feel free to stick around if youā€™d like.

good thing my corpse is pure

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Police when the Philosopher thinks really hard and gains superpowers.


I like to think the philosopher goes hangs out with the role in question and gets them drinking booze while stealing from them

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I think I am delusional and insane. I should be the Lunatic


You think really hard, realise nothing makes sense, and embrace madness.

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ā€œMadnessā€ as in lunacy.

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tutuu I need you to send me your role in code

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Wait Iā€™m a smart person
I can figure it out

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I just need to translate your code

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i was going to iso you to see your code with atlas because i thought i could soft using that but you have 1300 posts.

God I fucking forget what this is

This feels like a Sorc17 Tutuu responseā€¦


do you trust someone? (the player)

i could claim to them, and they could whisper it to you