Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

it’s not too late to claim Ravenkeeper baker, no one is claiming it

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nah magnus did

That’s what Otter said.

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Magnus is the sailor acfuakly.

I counterclaim Bishop


My big issue is that multiple other players have been written down publicly as “cleared” with no reasoning provided in public, and I can’t analyze the validity of that because I haven’t been told anything about any of them.

And I’m obviously not willing to just take those for granted because if I do that then I’m going to get executed because the council of people who hate playing the game in public have decided I’m evil and I don’t even get to know why.


I can start with me. I’m the gambler. I hard claimed to atlas and begged him for his role, and eventually he relented under the promise that I don’t retract and I don’t do any stupid stuff. This is something I never do unless I knew it was a safe claim, as seen by my last minon game where I didn’t settle into a hard claim despite it seeming suspect to may. I’ll like to think I’m clear from that…

other people can chime in why they are cleared though, or believe so

Except you aren’t because if you are you’re voting someone you gambled correctly that being me for…reasons.

I would be completely happy with coming out about what I know.
As far as I’m aware, there’s no mechanical redcheck on you or anything.

You think I want you killed today? I voted you for bishop reasons.

@Silviu200530 @Hazardwaste

They know

Why at all as far as your ability tells you I’m real

Because the bishop must nominate one opposing player.

VOTE: Jarek
VOTE: tutuu

It’s the same reason I was fine with being nominated day one, I can clear myself at any point.

@Silviu200530 @Hazardwaste do you still think gambler wasnt a bluff

I am the Ravenkeeper who has been publicly outed as such since D1. I am in a double-claim with a player that I believe is the Pixie, seeing as how they accused me of being such. Otter claimed Pixie who saw a role that isn’t in the circle, which reads like a Minion without a bluff (therefore, not being Huli Jing).

I’m the demon who claimed gambler to atlas d1 because I’m suicidal, yeah.

wait I also talked about this to May/Magnus too