Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

but in a less detailed context

From my perspective, either this is incorrect or thereā€™s no evidence that the 1-8 guess was wrong.

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do we know what character got poisoned from the courtier?

There is literally no artist in the game, otter cannot be telling the truth

yes, magnus or that player is in a thunderdome with otter, and by extension, likely with the minstrel claim

Then whatā€™s Someone?

The ā€œArtistā€ information was a cover for the D1 Gossip which may or may not have fired.

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furthermore, nobody has claimed artist, and a starting huli-jing cant exist at the same time as a starting pithag, in almost all likelihoods

A Huli Jing Pit-Hag can theoretically create a new Pit-Hag as a terrifying thought.

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im chill

Two demons created at the same time

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This is the only way I can imagine a good Pit-Hag to exist, even if the Storytellers would never let that happen.

When the Pit-Hag creates a good Demon to force their death that night, but the ST just lets the arbitrary kills follow the normal Demon actions.

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I would be in fear if I heard my evil team created two good demons and neither of them died.

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The stream game I saw with that had a twin die in the night, and the last Demon alive was the Sweetheart-drunk good Fang Gu.

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You can find the game, actually.

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Iā€™m sobbing as I change Lukas token back to cannibal

i think i found something

what do we think about

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The world doesnā€™t look bad
Would artemis be mm in tbag world?