Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

that’s how other people run it but if that’s how it’s ran here then wonderful

Other people are weird. Let me check the wiki

Are you thinking about Acrobat?

No yeah nothing says gambler dies if they gamble and are wrong while drunk

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Nothing stops them from doing it again tonight neither :slight_smile:

this is correct
i looked too before asking

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I am not gonna lie i have just been vibing this game. I dont know alot on whats going on

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Acrobat is the only official character I can think of that operates in the way you’re thinking of. If the condition for its death persists, it’ll die as soon as it isn’t droisoned. The Gambler isn’t a persistent effect.

Jarek, are you aware that

  1. We have a minstel claim
  2. Baker was outted minion

going back to sleep I just woke up

Nobody is ever outed anything

If you think I’m the demon and you think I just lost a minion in what world do I decide this is the play to make I now have to justify why I’m still alive and who I pick for the rest of the game do you think I’m that scared of a minstrel that I decide to throw the game over it

Where did I get the excorcist bluff from if I’m not the demon. I didn’t speak to literally anyone. I haven’t even used neighbour whispers and I honestly hate the fact they’re a thing

Baker was legitimately a mutant as far as I’m concerned and if people tell me otherwise they’re going to have to start giving me and anyone else that they’re leaving in the dark information and prove it

what do you think, magnus

I think Jarek’s emotional response is legitimate.

it isn’t AtE

Baker hopped between three Townsfolk claims (Gambler, Pixie, Courtier) during the first two days, was shifty in a whisper about the topics they responded to in a whisper with L.una and Atlas, urgently wished to live another day under the Courtier claim, before backing into Mutant as they were executed. There is an unclear maybe? Mutant softclear elsewhere.

Nor did I interpret it as such. I’m reading it as frustration over the whisper game.

Which is kinda funny, given that this secrecy arose from Snowe restricting whispers, which you’d think would make it counterintuitive.

That is how mutant works, you can’t claim your role and you want to fake-claim, I wouldn’t be suprised that people don’t want to die