Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

how long you took to respond

I was ISOing you first to see if there’s something I missed >.<

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It’s fine. We’re doing this so we can kill a demon candidate today instead of a minion candidate

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I think you’re good, for what it’s worth, and the information you’ve provided has been objectively beneficial if so. To me especially, more than anyone else.

As mag said. I think your good. So congrats on the being the worlds first good bishop

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Outside of people named bishop

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… people… named. Bishop

A friend of mine and kiiruma. You know a bad bishop?

i could name a few

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I’m thinking of the android in Aliens.

Oh you know what fair

Well *except those bishops

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i dont

unless bad means bad play
in which case ive played chess before

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did kii get to 8 votes i only see 7

i also only have 15 mins of wifi
if kii gets hammered you can vote whover

We literally have. Most roles have been outted.

Just feels like last game. Entirely like last game.

Ok back from my last tour day of rome. I feel dead to the world

What does?