Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I thought double kills only happen when a demon changes place

double kills can happen either way

if demon changes types the story tellers can kill two people

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Huh stand corrected

I always thought it was “new” demon

Ok that makes things more harder to solve

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I advise against exiling the traveler right now.

Do you think the demon is in the bishop today currently

Probably not
That being said, if we exile them, and a po change happened, and a lot of good are dead

Ok now your confusing me

how is that confusing

Whats with you and wanting to keep this bishop alive. Shouldnt we take our chances to take out demon candidates.

I’ve explained my reasoning multiple times

Even the bishop wants themselves out

Your reasoning is very… fuck whats the word i am looking for

It’s accurate

Not shady. But like. Wavey. You say something that doesnt make alot of sense like
“If a po charges and kills people then…”
Then what? How does the bishop stop that?

If the bishop is good, then there is another good player alive.

Ok let me do math

11 players alive.
If a po kills tonight. That takes us down too…. 7 players if we dont take out the trav. Which will then lead us to not a 4 player day and straight ti final 3 with a possibility of a trav in final 3. I forget the rulling does travs count to final 3?