Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I don’t think this completely makes sense. I don’t see why your argument for Tutuu not being Pixie doesn’t apply to Magnus as well, and I don’t know why you don’t think Tutuu is a possible wolf in either world anyway beyond there supposedly being a pixie that saw her role.

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I currently think Jarek is socially town as well, which obviously throws off your worlds.

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It has to do with context. Magnus claimed Gambler or Pixie who saw Gambler in their first chat with me. When pointed out that Pixie must be mad, they stated that it is okay for a pixie to claim pixie so long as they eventually try to convince people they are the role they saw. This lines up with magnus letting people know they are the pixie early on, and it explains why they later backed into the ravenkeeper and isn’t outtint - from their POV they already claimed pixie and now they want to reap the benefits of pixie.

If magnus is claiming pixie, Tutuu can be a wolf if magnus is evil. I don’t remember why I didn’t put Tutuu down in the second world.

The problem is I don’t think either one of them is going to die at night for obvious reasons.

There’s also a niche world where Magnus is pixie who saw a Huli Jing Ravenkeeper, but I don’t mind tossing that idea out.

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Magnus would be the type of person to pick pixie night one, I think.

That sounds more plausible.

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This would explain why otter claimed pixie, too? They and Magnus chatted first thing.

Also I am still unclear on why you’re not considering Silviu.

Hui Jing

If the Hui Jing, for whatever reason, registered as good at ANY time during the day AND the bishop was good, then the ability must nominate someone else, correct? It states an opposing player must be nominated.

Compare this to evil twin, who’s ability is:
You & an opposing player know each other. If the good player is executed, evil wins. Good can’t win if you both live."

If the opposing player ever registers as evil, then the evil twin learns a different player.

No, the Huli Jing can register as evil to a bishop then good to a Minstrel, for example.

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I am going out for drinks but
VOTE: Magnus
VOTE: Bionic
Most likely minions. I wanna think on the others. If kiiruma keels over somone ping me

Another problem
That means otter is evil. Which means Magnus must have chosen pixie. You wouldn’t have malfunctioned.

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you unvoted him and it looks like 8 votes are needed

It’s possible magnus saw pixie but didn’t take it?

That would mean they have to have taken Puzzlemaster in that instance, right?

Or sailor, or couriter, yeah.

That doesn’t explain what happened last night, unless genuinely the demon flopped for unrelated reasons, but that would mean jarek is also good

Fuck hold on