Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Otter could have been Hui if pixie isn’t in play

I just have to squint really hard at the tan on white.


in which case only may is lying

I can’t believe may improved their wolf gane so much I’m so proud

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That would mean it’s Otter/Baker/Magnus/May, then?

In which case May and I would both have to be the remaining evils. We’re neighbours so the evil team would’ve been more coordinated than it was.

Yeah works magnus maybbaker al chatted together at one point

there’s no saving baker and otter

Oh right, I forgot about that whisper. Right.

I chatted with Otter privately after chatting with May, meaning they would’ve had a bluff. The entire evil team would’ve had bluffs before Bishop nominations.

I wish I did!!!

If there are two evil demons, how do the kills work?

I’m trying to solve but my head hurts

so pixie and innkeeer

theyre trying to say huli jing starting would be confusing

(also theyre not evil)

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baler whispered me first thing
literally no way they would get a bluff after the fact

We also would’ve needed to have everything planned out in the span of like, ten minutes before claiming threes to Hazard, and I wouldn’t have needed to double-claim Otter, and Baker wouldn’t need to awkwardly jump between four claims in two days, yada yada.

they claimed gambler like five minutes in

That’s fine. Baker could’ve claimed Pixie and have been fine forever then if we were evil together.