Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

but otter claimed pixie

If it’s May and not Magnus, then who’s the evil in yesterday’s nomination set?

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Otter claimed Pixie after I chatted with both of them, and also outed me as the Ravenkeeper.

Magnus is confirming Tutuu

You or Jarek.

Or Kiiruma’s partnered with Hazard as the Demon.

When was Jarek Gambler confirmed

The night before this

I don’t think jarek was evil

During the “Minstrel” night.
This is explainable with the all scary “Huli Jing”, though.

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So from my perspective either we were wrong on Kiiruma or the Otter/Baker/Magnus/May world is correct.

jarek cant be demon with art minioj, right

If it was Minstrel night


cause of luna

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Jarek is dead, so.

i knew i was

pithag inti you
thats why it doesnt work

pithag into artemis?

The graveyard hasn’t been updated in forever.