Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

it would be too late to execute them
rather too harsh

Jarek is the Exorcist, Someone the Gossip? Would mean the Gossip statement is probably false, then

What was it again

magnus evil

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doesn’t work if they are Hui Jing

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Okay so Magnus probably good in that world but we knew that

how do we know that

Or Huli Jing

I knew it in my mind and if you all are going to FORSAKE me I’m going to go with what I know in my mind

No we didn’t. In that world, they would be claiming a Pixie check on a role that doesn’t exist.

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Oh. Fuck


Okay so Magnus would have to be exactly Huli Jing


That’s probably enough to rule out that world.

The Storytellers told me last night that they would let a Gossip kill lose the game for good as a mistake, for the record.

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That’s gossip and expected

Hey wait why did you ask that

A Mutant wasting an execution today would be fine if it helped the evil team more than it hurt them.

I was wondering whether a Gossip kill would sink or kill an evil to keep the game going.

I feel like it’s too late to execute Silviu anyway