Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

They didn’t outright claim it

Could this be the time we see the rare night Mutant execution?


Would it not be wise to sleep

We’re on evens right

We end up in the same position tomorrow but with the Po charged.

and we sleep again

the demon would have to kill 3 people

And the Po no-kills again?

We can’t force them to make the first move, and if the Pit Hag is alive, it can cause more problems.

The Po could kill once (5) then charge, effectively stealing today and giving us one execution.

The Po has to kill when it charged

It does not have to.

Oh they could attack some dead bodies

It does, it just can attack corpses

Actually, you’re right.



I read the wiki already I’m right

they can attack corpses so the plan doesn’t work

There’s still the risk of a living Pit Hag.

Yeah, we can’t sleep.