Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

May gave their phone number to me but not to you. What is this bigotry?

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what do you think about a magnus/may team

I was suspicious of you at first but Litten did in fact literally confirm you and I townread Litten

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Additionally you died in the night I forgot you were dead. That contributed majorly

what would you say of me now without luna?

Meaningless question, mods, take them away

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you donā€™t know?

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I would have to completely re-congeal my thoughts without you having been confirmed to me for half the game

It would have been really funny if everyone I targeted died

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I donā€™t know. You were dead and confirmed by my townread. Litten was garbage at hiding information as evil last game and the fact that he did so much this game meant I was just ready to believe him until proven otherwise

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what do you think about a magnus/artemis team
also, whats your read on them, individually.

My main pairs here are as follows:
Artemis / May (either direction).
Artemis / Silviu (Huli Jing).
Silviu / Jarek.
Hazard / Kiiruma + 1.

i was purposefully not hiding information lasy game


this is why im asking about you three, specifically

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You shouldā€™ve let me play with your dice.


jarek reads extremely good, and silviu reads good
i dont think kii is evil


Silviu and Jarek doesnā€™t work

Jarek Po-starpassed with Silviu as the Huli Jing Pit-hag who drank with May last night just long enough for you to be defenceless. Come on, I explained this.


I donā€™t think itā€™s impossible but it still leaves some things unanswered, though I donā€™t think Iā€™ve come up with anything that does answer them?

I still donā€™t know why there were 3 kills on night 2 because I donā€™t think there would be an Ojo double without a good reason, I donā€™t know why I was malfunctioning unless Baker is the Huli Jing, and I think there was some reason that the assassin couldnā€™t be alive in that world? I donā€™t remember it, though.

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