Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

we agree on who to kill, then?

Yeah, that’s my conclusion
That’s good solving stuff, I think

this may very welll be our penultimate day

I’m also going to need to up my game for future wolf games with elaborate planning about discussing stuff

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God that tiny detail irks me

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they made too many mistakes
they sounded rather good in this situation

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Just roleplay in a private chat with your Minions so you’re gone for an accurate length of time, it’s fine.

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nya nya nya

Saying that word doesn’t count, it’s a cop-out.

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My instincts dislike that tiny detail

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though, admittedly, their attention confuses me, i dont think we have much choice in the matter, with the sts cutting our time as short as it is

What’s your current team atlas



It would make sense, meh
I’ll go reread what May said about artemis

honestly, im a bit annoyed i’ve died so soon
i have no reason to step up my social game, and i can see its dwindling. im not even paying attention to what i say, anymore

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May is set on me being the demon, while I think they’re most likely town.

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i didn’t play botc for the social game, I don’t think most people do

in what world does a human ever say this who isnt worn out beyond belief

I’m annoyed you died too. I would’ve appreciated having an actual decent world to argue where you could be the Demon.