Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

By that time yesterday we had both realised the other person was claiming Ravenkeeper. I was simply whispering them to confirm the double-claim, since they were accusing me of potentially being the Mutant or evil. I asked about that then tried to change the subject by trying to impress onto Tutuu that Otter was resolutely evil and not the Huli Jing during our gamestate solving, meaning the Pixie claim was untaken and they could be that role. They just accused me of being the Pixie. I denied this by mentioning that I claimed Pixie in my D1 sets, which the real Pixie wouldn’t do.

We discussed Silviu’s claimed role as the Courtier and our suspicion at the time that they were really the Mutant, which would double-claim Baker. That led into a discussion about the Outsider count, and we agreed there was no Puzzlemaster in the game. Bionic’s public Tinker claim came up in conversation as well.

It went fine.

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But it does put the risk of Storyteller MM in play, and I think that’s dangerous.

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do we really want to invite a potential mastermind in a fucking po game

Then the Demon just wins?

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Only if you’re good.

If Storyteller MM is active, we could get a mayor win after the mayor died N2.

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Which I am. I have elaborate stories for all my whispers with anyone you could mechanically pair me with.

Can you make up a fake story with your whispers with may?

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Do you think you’d be capable of faking that as evil?

Fair warning, I won’t believe you if you say no.

Sorry, that’s outside the bounds of my creativity.

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You barely know me.

I know that you’re in a bishop thunderdome with me and are clearing the other plausible evil nominated.

Executing me is a mistake because I’m like, literally never the Demon anyway.

You’re forgetting about Jarek and Kiiruma, but yeah. Fair enough. What does that have to do with my penchant for fabrication?

Jarek has been obvious town to me for a while. But you are right that Jarek cleared you of being demon, so you aren’t a good execution today.

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Otter/Baker/Jarek/May. Is that possible at all?

I just don’t think I see Jarek being a wolf here at all.



If magnus was pithagged night two, and kills wwre abiitary, and they were made into the po, they wouldn’t have woken up and therefore couldn’t have charged, so they aren’t really cleared