Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

The Demon goes after the Pit-Hag.

Yeah, but exorcising doesn’t

Or it does but you wouldn’t have been able to wake up

Pit Hag > Exorcist > Demon is the order.

So if you were made into the po, you aren’t cleared

But that doesn’t work, because there couldn’t be a Huli that wasn’t Otter, which means that both me and May would have to be lying, which isn’t possible with Magnus/Otter/Baker/+1.

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So that world requires a Pit-hag double kill while the Po’s charging, and one of Luka/Icet/Atlas would have to be the old Demon who died, and then there can’t be droisoning.

Po wouldn’t be charging cause they didn’t wake up, I’ll try to profess what you said artemis

it just requires you to be original demon changed by pithag

Wouldn’t the Gossip provide an alternate explanation for 4 deaths, actually?

otter had to be evil but weird yeah artemis I see what you mean

Actually, would the Gossip overlap with demon kills?

If Magnus is evil, can there even be a Po?

it would technically

The Gossip kill wouldn’t intersect.

So either the Gossip was false or there isn’t a Po.

Gossip must* kill a player that isn’t already dead by the time gossip action process so long as the gossip is still alive

*doesn’t have to be the story tellers WILL 100% of the time

Who would the Pit-Hag be in that case?

it’s 1:56 am I’m going to bed I’ll process worlds tomorrow along with more social reading

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But the Gossip was dead by that point, so it doesn’t matter.


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nice teams

i literally called those out d1? now you put me in them :joy_cat: