Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Hi Baker. Do you need to be caught up?

i probably do but i also dont care i am probably voting tutuu today is teh last day

What do you think about the other outsider claims?

Today isn’t the last day. We have one more after this, at least.

who what

Silviu has been agreed to be most likely Mutant, Hazard is claiming Plague Doctor, and Bionic claimed Tinker.

@May Why did you vote Bionic over me?

SIlviu is lying

I am mutant.

Silviu claimed courtier - Hazard claimed Plague Doctor on D1

Hazard is more believable

I can also read tutuu socially so well that I can guarantee you they rand wolf this game

tutuu’s last wolf rand

they become very obvious over time

Do you think Otter is a wolf?

most likely evil yes

So from your perspective it’s Tutuu/Silviu/Otter/+1?

yeah probably you or may

but wait no

Magnus is claiming pixie who saw the role tutuu is claiming, unfortunately.

Magnus/May/Silviu/Tutuu is possible too

Otter claimed pixie who saw artist.
Artist isn’t in the game

yeah otter is most likely evil, i am trying to see other options