Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Excuse me?


Your check is in the mail.

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I haven’t checked, but even though the Huli Jing can misregister as a select alignment or character at any time…
“Register as it would.” This actually makes the Huli Jing’s misregistration stronger than a Spy, so probably not.

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A Chambermaid can counter the Spy and Recluse for that reason, so an Artist could probably ask a question like “did [spy bluff] wake last night” to find them. But that doesn’t work for the Huli Jing.

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well technically spy can register as a non-spy character, and then when they see the grim its not due to their own ability :3

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“You should know that both the Huli Jing’s alignment and character can register falsely if you choose. A nuance is that the Huli Jing loses its’ gained ability when the day ends, meaning that if they choose the same ability that night, it’s a new instance of that ability: they get any “You start knowing” information again, and can use any “Once per game” abilities again.“

oh oops

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So you can catch a chef hui ning or whatever

In this game, if a Huli Jing chooses the same ability twice in a row, they will retain the current instance of their ability.


Constructing the strongest reasonable Huli Jing ability here.

  1. Some form of droisoning (Likely Sailor or Courtier as the Innkeeper doesn’t wake N1. Philosopher or Puzzlemaster could be fun picks though).
  2. A suicide button (Gambler or Tinker).
  3. Maybe the Gossip for ST-balanced kills? Kinda contradicts the second point.
  4. Some form of routine information. Pixie, Artist or Cannibal could fit this.
  5. Maybe the out-of-play Minion.


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It’s not going to happen again, I promise.

mods can we ban this user?
they keep talking in an inplay game


I am going to switch my theme to vaporwave:


aw dangit you said reasonable i was gonna suggest all the out-of-play demons


It’s now impossible for me to realize I’m not on luna.

If the Huli Jing gained the Courtier ability and chose nobody before gaining the Po ability the next night, would that satisfy the “if your last choice was no one” condition?

“The Virgin really executed a second Townsfolk, huh?”

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In that instance I think it’s worth it to be outted.

Espsiically if you have imps on the script.