Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

The thief works better in short form where people go in a circle.


you cant unvote and vote in the same post
it only registers the first one you make


I gave you my three. You should understand why killing me is a poor idea unless you actively scumread me.

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Magnus, I finished reading your post after I wrote this. I retain full credit for this.

sorry if ur town and atlas pocketed me but like damn. if atlas is a wolf they’re frightening

Then ask outright instead of being annoying about it.

My circular logic was longer and better.

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i said “do you mind saying why”
thats me asking you about it


I really hope atlas is the demon as that would be the funniest world, but they are probably just town. Which is fine.

I believe you have a sharp enough eye and enough self-reassurance to form independent judgment reads on whomever you look at, without fear of favour if the game after AMQ was anything to look at, Tutuu.

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can we kill gghana just for fun

blood on the clocktower

BLOOD on the clocktower

:sob: :pleading_face:

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Travellers aren’t killed, they’re just sent into the woods of monsters and despair.


You did after I responded to your original statement. That was what I was talking about when I said you were being annoying about it.

This is pointless. Sorry.

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its fine
i’ll keep it in mind for the next time

do you mind explaining why you voted silviu over magnus/icet/otter?

At least one of [L.una, Icet, Silviu, Magnus, otter] is evil



I gossip the demon is May / Jarek

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