Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

No. I’m luna.

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dang i sure hope nothing bad happens to phebe


It’s fantastic flavor.

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We should exile the travellers

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Greetings, fellow sirs and sirretes and everything in between. My name is tutuu, and I am most definitely nightwatch. Actually I don’t remember if my role said nightwatch. I thought it had a blue color and I was town. Let me double check.

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Yes, I am town.

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That’s not really fun for them, though, so I decline.

Is it too late for me to ask someone to teach me how to play botc? What exactly am I supposed to be doing? Can I nominate anyone at all due to that Travelller role that lets hosts nominate? Or do they nominate in parallel?

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shouldn’t have travelled smh

I would whisper you, but I have a feeling you are town, so I won’t.

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how do i vote

I only have one whisper left.

i may be into guns and old fashioned but i love phebe. i just don’t want her to be in a bad company out there.

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I have nothing to hide. Feel free to speak loud and clear in front of everyone. Secrets are for villains, and I am but a righteous hero.

That said, I really could use some … refreshing on how to play botc. Obviously I do know how to play it and what to do, hahahaha! This is merely a test to make sure YOU guys also know how to play it. I wouldn’t want my teammates to be slacking.


VOTE: GGhana
VOTE: Kiiruma

everyone vote the travellers

VOTE: Luka
VOTE: Someone
[VOTE: Icet

People I haven’t talked to who I would be fine with if they were nominated.

How many players randed the purple roles? The non-demon mafia


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