Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]


Nominator Nominee Votes Voters
Magnus Artemis 1 Magnus

Artemis (1): Magnus

Not Voting (15): Someone, L.una, baker, tutuu, Bionic, Jarek, Luka, IcetFeelsPain, Artemis, Silviu200530, May, otterpopd, Atlas, Hazardwaste, Kiiruma

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If anyone asks, I like sixteen because there are sixteen of you guys and I love talking to you.


That’s so sweet. But there were actually seventeen.


Jeans and blouse. I think she was drinking coffee too


May would drink coffee wouldnt he


Absolutely they would.


Coffee cake is a thing??


It could be a fabrication of w!May’s mind, I dunno. It sounds like a Starbucks product, though.


FAM3 was great. Sent nuto to the toast dimension is the higlight of my mafia career

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I was right.


I’m sure they appreciated having you as their friend and overlord.

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He kill my friend. I kill your friend. Its how it works

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He is now in cat dimension. I havent let him out yet

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itd be a challenge to convince me that gghana existed in this game

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His cat’s name is Kirby.

Kirby can come and leave the dimension as he pleases

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Gghanna existed?

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Eighteen if you exclude GGhana but count yourself and Amelia.

Lets take a journey into the multiverse

Im gonna assume baker and otter wolves for the main timelines

Team 1: “Feline Fatales”

Art demon, May minion

Mechanically Art is Ojo who double killed n2. Changed to Po n3. Triple killed n4. Litten self-deleted checking May on top, double dying

Socially Art has been pushing Bionic, Tutuu, Magnus for a while. Townread May. May hasn’t been pushing Artemis too much I think (havent read too much today, i cant read)

Profound explanation: An evil scientist of the name of Bionic experimented with Mutagens, causing human subjects to transform into animal-like hybrids. Artemis and May were two of the unfortunate souls. Filled with Anger, they vowed to seek revenge on the Humanity that wronged them.

Special Abilities:

Artemis: Demoralizing Howl - Artemis lets out a vengeful shriek. “I hate you” - you ears echo, as you receive 50 psionic damage initially, and 1 psionic damage per second for 10 seconds more, as you’re thinking about it.

May: Alarm Clock Meow - Expert of inflicting Emotional Damage, May specializes in spamming Nya like a broken record, causes her opponent to give up wanting to engage in the fight at all.


Team 1.1: “Void Nebulae”

Art Demon, Silviu Huli Jing

Mechanically I think it explains things. Socially I think it doesn’t work. Artemis and Silviu confrontations itt read as genuine to me. This timeline is corrupted. Danger. Entropy imminent. Timewarp away.