Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

This was my early D2 grim… Pretty close.

  1. I had the Assassin/gossip kills messed up because I forgot Hazzy would know to stab Atlas,
  2. I thought was Po over Ojo because tutuu showed some familiarity with Po mechanics in thread,
  3. I thought Artemis was Sailor over Minstrel initially because she whispered Atlas with “new information”, but I forgot that “I’m Minstrel and there were kills last night” constitutes new information,
  4. and I thought Bionic was Puzzlemaster over Tinker because I forgot Huli Jing misregistration would affect the Pixie N1.

Not terrible!


i was very much hoping for magnus taking hulijing plaguedoctor bluffing rk to die and shenanigans to ensue


sorry @otterpopd and @baker


i think i should have ojo killed gambler n2 instead of philo. i got fooled by atlas and litten when whispering to hazard. but it was too late and i was stressed from whispering him. altho hindsight is 20/20 and i had no other claims. but maybe he could have killed someone else and me ojo killing gambler was the more consistent play. i didnt expect town to lie so much


I know you absolutely would’ve taken the Huli Jing ability if you could’ve, yeah.

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I was actually impressed. Usually town just spills its guts to everyone immediately, but they showed restraint here.

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Would you have fallen for this, Tutuu?

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…yeah i would have lmao

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thank u for letting me know of this possibility. wow

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the reason i had ojo in this setup was so that
if someone just lied to everyone then theyre just unkillable in endgame by the ojo which is very funny
also ojo/mayor is nice because ojo miss can kill to 3 and guarantee mayor a shot


It was all good in the end, at least. You did way better than I did my first time.


Oh, I forgot that I was initially expecting Litten to immediately and fully scumread me. I just planned to play around it, taking solo whispers with Artemis & shit to look paired with her, et cetera. I trusted my team enough to not be scared of being scumread. I think that’s the thing that made me able to stop being polarised.


With this team I’m not suprised.


i told atlas on d2 i thought the wolves were setting me up


My initial reaction was AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and then I saw the Minion list and I was screaming slightly less.


Also I totally forgot who I was supposed to have Innkept N3 and I had to dig through our whispers to figure it out.

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magnus has 1300 posts in the previous thread and 200 here. i dont know how they could keep up 1500 posts of straight bullshit with such a serious tone and face. me and may and hazard were struggling a bit i think, we were relying on fluffing and flailing and shitposting. but magnus was a beast from the logical side of posting / wolfing


I’m not shocked I got my ass handed to me in botc it was bound to happen eventually, a loud and confident player who barely has any experience can cause a lot of damage if they make incorrect assumptions that you don’t usually make when you know alignkents from flips


I wrote it down in my rolecard but I was too busy panickingin my rolecard and I completely buried it.