Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

what did sil drink with

You were “drifting” around Bionic’s slot during the third day, and you were adrift in general with how exhausted you felt. Whenever anyone asked, you said that Artemis was your suspect. You defaulted to suspecting Artemis when questioned on it. Voting Bionic seems representative of an inconsistent worldview.

I am an inconsistent person.

For your information Luka, on the same night that Someone gossiped that I was evil, Jarek exorcised Tutuu and Artemis triggered a Minstrel day on Baker’s death. N3 was a mess.

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and how is artemis triggering a minstrel day confirmed

it aint


at least minstel doesn’t act like you are helping the town

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It’s not. I don’t think it happened, actually.

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I think that just using bad reads might be best to get as close to a win as possible
magnus in a double claim = not demon
tutuu seen by pixie = not demon
hazard claiming an outisder = not demon
may is may = not demon


minstrel does help the town
it jst does so in the least helpful way possible

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Minstrel is basically “portal to the next day”, no? Double execution?


And what if the Pixie claim is evil?

i needed to gamble them that night
i didn’t
mdhbasically it was better to confirm the minstel cuz either telling truth and drunk or lying and I die

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I think we should add a Pacifist to this script instead of Sailor hurhurhur.


oh god that’s worse

uhm idk always next game to take revenge

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Oh, come on. Do you know how useful a Pacifist can be?

Is Lil’ Monsta being able to kill on Minstrel nights a standard ruling or something fucked up from my first game?

there is no da

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My first game had a Pacifist, and it saved the Mayor from being executed D1… the Mayor proceeded to live until F3, and then get executed , in F3,