Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

not to mention, magnus didn’t really know who the gambler was
since me and atlas were both screwing with them

they knew it was either me me atlas but didn’t know which

So then why would the demon bluff pixie gambler

i dunno it’s magnus

I get your point, I’m just worried that it’s not artemis because everyone is pushing on them

If it’s artemis ifs probably magnus as a minion because I can see them voting their demon then switching and they tried to push hazard and Silviu

And logic wise magnus makes perfect sense if they were pithagged into a po but couldn’t actually charge because of jarek

Would you feel better if i put magnus on the block @litten

I dunno

Like I’m also unsure on who the demon is too

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I am not fully sold. But i am to give you the nomination

This grim is a bit scuffed XD

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I thought you were a grim master

Why you think i am saying its scuffed

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I blame huljing tbh



regardless of whatever huli jing assassin world magnus is pushing; its a known fact that one of two things must have occurred n2

a. ojo double
b. correct gossip

logically speaking, the world that works the most is magnus/may, i’d wager
ojo double on n2 and n4 seems unfair for the good team. and quite frankly, i don’t believe in huli assassin, because that requires pithag inplay, also i think its way too hard to solve for the good team

well it’d be tutuu/magnus but i, for some reason, believe in tutuu
i have no real interest in lynching artemis.

yes, that means the evil team made Infinite mistakes. that’s something we can’t really deal with. this is the second most mechanically likely world