Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

Ojo double in that world is just a better shab without the drawbacks

and in a pithag world, theres no reason not to change the demon into po from ojo, if youre going to change it.

do you wanna accuse may and mag

I donā€™t think baker and tutuu work for the reasons I listed, if they are the demon I think baker has to be good and thatā€™s a problem because I donā€™t believe baker to be good

which do you believe the demon in that world

what were the reasons you listed

i would hope not the person doubleclaiming pixie raven

there was a discussion tutuu had about baker asking if they wanted to be on the evil team, with 15 words I highly doubt they fake that as w/w

Itā€™s more beliahle baker may magnus were roleplaying

no lynching here is strictly optimal btw
wanted to say that

we think thereā€™s a po

or there could be maybe we gambled wrong and gossip gossiped

weā€™re at 6
no lynch
weā€™re at 3
if thereā€™s an assa they used n2 prob

3 people died last night

yeah then dont no lynch
I thought it was 0 lol

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uhm yah ill be like a cheerleader since I dont want to play a social game
you cna do itttt!!! I bleieve in u!!!

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not to mention po can choose to charge then kill one player and two dead players then charge again

hereā€™s some mechanics
may said their innkept me and I died
so if they are good there has to be a Hui Jing

huli jing is a god if may is good theyre probably just evil nless they scream socailly good

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problem is may is acfually still reading good to me
which means if they are evil I need to adapt to them again and get good