Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

May complained about being tired, that’s fine. w!May always complains while v!May represses their troubles. I’m just generally wondering whether they seemed like they wanted to do something else last night, or if they agreed to go along with it.

They agreed to go along with it but I don’t think there was actually a choice - they couldn’t actively disagree - I just spent a while talking with them to see if they kept up the charade when I expected wolf may to kinda just throw their hands in the air and go with the flow rather than actually work when they know I am going to die from gambling them

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id like a choice to be made
i dont know if we have enough votes to lift it off artemis onto may, but we could certainly try

or luna can vote artemis.

@Hazardwaste nya

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may will self pres anyway
Artemis are you there

Your estimation of May sounds like something I would’ve expected them to do… before, in the era of constant losses and defeats. May was doing well this game if they were evil, really well, but their well of motivation might not have miraculously grown endless. There was a change in mindset somewhere. Maybe May isn’t scared of you anymore.

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obviously, you should act like every single member of the evil team is


i’d be particularly annoyed if i had to vote

I would vote before you

I legitimately think that’s unlikely here but fair.

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(yeah. but still)

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(I, for one, love it when Minions lift their Demon in an obvious way.)

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(i expect at least baker and the other two evils to be keeping tabs)

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May not being scared of me would do it, that’s one of the main reasons I notife sometnint is off of them.

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In any case, without being there to review the chat myself, I can’t really conclude whether it’d seem like a Minion or Demon May perspective.

I want to kill may too.

Innkeeper is a demon claim, why would you claim the role as a minion…that’s like asking to die sooner or later when the demon doesn’t care about your fantasies

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im curious if artemis will show up if you two vote on may

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@tutuu nya?