Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

Only with someone votes onto Tutuu at the last moment.

you see if art is demon id kinda expect there to be a counterwagon off esp when all voters voting them are alive

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this is tragiccccc

we tried it was may

The only good thing about Christmas is it being over.


someone doesn’t have holly jolly spirit

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someone’s dead

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shut up you

After how this day went, can you blame them?


Hey! What’s wrong with sentimentality? You’re just a Grinch.



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Shouldn’t the twinkling star align with your godliness or something?

this so doesnt endgame


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If you want the final votecount, scroll up 10 posts.


Artemis is executed and dies.

She was...

Daniel Bassino

“Tch. I owe my loyalty to the crown. You can’t entice me with empty pleas and promises.”

A paramilitary agent sent by the King of the Crown States to monitor the jachelim and ensure that it’s transferred smoothly from the emissary to Duke Blackrose. They’re pretty bad at being stealthy, and Phebe and her friends guess why they’re in Roslenberg pretty easily. Most of the Cult members stay discreet around them due to being a primary opponent to the Cult’s goal of stealing the jachelim, but Camelia has actively tried to convert them with limited success.

There is no longer any way to stop one team from winning.

The game is up.


Firstly, I would like to congratulate May for winning a BotF game.


As there is nothing that can stop Silviu from dying tonight, nobody remains that can kill the Reaper.

The Deathkissed have won.

Magnus May Hazardwaste
Camelia Videnzne Elise Malheur Oliver Seigneur
Huli Jing Pit-Hag Assassin → Plague Doctor → Assassin
Cecilia Blackrose


Remaining Rolecards


Renee Varaie

“I owe my life and livelyhood to Liana. I’ll stick with the Cult through thick and thin.”

The daughter of a blacksmithing family who grew up in Roslenberg but ran away from home to go to university when she was a teen. After a few years, she came back and is now the main magic mentor in the Cult of Azrael, and helps Phebe specifically hone her magic to be not as destructive. When not doing underground cult activities, she works as a messenger for the Duke as well as maintaining the town square notice board.

Sentry | Cultist | Courtier
You win when the Reaper is dead.
You lose if only two players live.

Hell Hath No Fury1-Use, Night
Choose a character.
The player with that character (if any) will malfunction for three nights and days.


Cecilia Blackrose

”Allie… Please… forgive me…”

The fires of ambition can be stoked by the promise of misery to burn their host’s soul alive. Those who have tasted power always make easy victims. Distort her hopes, blind her to the truth, torture her relentlessly, amplify her paranoia, and the unassuming daughter of Duke Blackrose becomes the perfect unsuspected assassin. The Duke blundered in alienating her from his crown.

Deathkissed | Reaper | Ojo
You win when two players live.
You lose if the Reaper dies.

Mask of PrideNight*
Choose a character.
If they are in play, they die.

Lucain’s Blessing of SightPassive
If you choose an out-of-play character, the Storyteller may kill people arbitrarily.

Flavor Fakeclaim

Cecilia Blackrose

”Of course I showed up! Why’d you think I wouldn’t?”

Daughter of Duke Blackrose, she lives with her father in the palace. She is great friends with all the servants of the palace, but her father often admonishes her for her lack of ambition. She frequents the Cult’s meetings and hangs out with Phebe and the rest of her friends often. She has a strained relationship with her father, but she doesn’t care, and would choose her friends over her parents in a heartbeat.

Your fellow Deathkissed are:

Magnus May Hazardwaste
Camelia Videnzne Elise Malheur Oliver Seigneur
Minion Minion Minion

The following characters are not in play.

Sailor Artist Ravenkeeper
Each night, choose an alive player: either you or they malfunction until dusk. You can’t die. Once per game, during the day, privately ask the Storyteller any yes/no question. If you die at night, choose a player: you learn their character..

Oliver Seigneur

”The Duke took everything from me. I swear to Lucain, I’ll take it back. Even if I pry it from his cold, dead hands.”

It’s easy to distort someone who’s lost everything: their nobility, their dignity, their humanity, and even their name: a blank slate on which to write whatever one pleases. These tabulae rasae are precious, as one need not even put in the effort to strip them of their humanity: twist their resentment against the Duke into something more volatile, more dangerous… and you can use their magical prowess against the crown. With someone so easy to manipulate, the Duke was a fool for leaving an asset like them open for the enemy to capture.

Deathkissed | Serpent | Assassin
You win when only two players live.
You lose if the Reaper is dead.

Mask of WrathNight*, 1-Use
Choose a player.
They die, even if for some reason they could not.

Flavor Fakeclaim

Oliver Seigneur

”I’m done with hiding. This city did me so much harm: it’s about time I stand up for something I cared about again.”

A dragon who lives with Orlando in his shack in the woods. Everybody around Phebe treats them super weirdly, but she doesn’t really know why. She knows they have secrets to hide… but she trusts her friends to share them when they’re ready to. Oliver is aloof to Phebe, but opens up a lot to Rosalind in particular.

Your fellow Deathkissed are:

Magnus Tutuu May
Camelia Videnzne Cecilia Blackrose Elise Malheur
Minion Demon Minion

Camelia Videnzne

”I know how bad it hurts to betray your friends. It burns me alive, every second of my waking life. But still, there’s no other option.”

The ones who know too much are the easiest to deceive with twisted patterns, just like the constellations are countless despite the fixed stars in the sky. As a magical scryer, she’s the perfect spy to use to guide the knives and spells of the other pawns. The Duke couldn’t have known about her, her secret is well guarded. Unfortunately for him, he’s up against a vindictive deity.

Deathkissed | Serpent | Huli Jing
You win when only two players live.
You lose if the Reaper dies.

Mask of JealousyNight 1
Learn 5 out-of-play characters.

Lucain’s Blessing of the WeaveNight
Choose a character you learned and gain its ability until dusk.
You might register like they would while the ability is active.

Flavor Fakeclaim

Camelia Videnzne

”I’ve never thought about why, but I’d do anything for my friends.”

An reserved but expressive orphan and meticulous planner who lives with Cecilia in Palace Blackrose, and attends the school on a grant that she keeps quiet about the nature of. Heavily involved with the Cult’s activities as a lower ranking member, swordsmanship seems to come to her as easily as language, while magic does not. She and Phebe often spar, and she acts as her mentor for swordfighting.

Your fellow Deathkissed are:

Hazardwaste Tutuu May
Oliver Seigneur Cecilia Blackrose Elise Malheur
Minion Demon Minion

The following characters are not in play.

Innkeeper Artist Ravenkeeper Plague Doctor Mastermind
Each night*, choose 2 players: they can’t die tonight, but 1 malfunctions until dusk. Once per game, during the day, privately ask the Storyteller any yes/no question. If you die at night, choose a player: you learn their character. If you die, the Storyteller gains a not-in-play :dagger: Serpent ability. If the :trident: Reaper dies by execution (ending the game), play for 1 more day. If a player is then executed, their team loses.

Elise Malheur

“I’m so lonely here… would you care to join me in this hell?”

Many people have ghosts in their past—some of them are much more potent than others. Though these ghosts can be controlled with magical training, most people are susceptible to distorting and empowering these ghosts against them. Someone broken by their ghost’s distorted hauntings provides a valuable pawn; though she has no proximity to the Duke, her ghosts are something special: she carries an innate weapon that can spread the haunt. As something not well studied in the Flumes, she makes a perfect weapon to throw the Duke off balance.

Deathkissed | Serpent | Pit-Hag
You win when only two players live.
You lose if the Reaper is dead.

Mask of LustNight*
Choose a player and a character.
If the character is out of play, they become it.

Lucain’s Blessing of DistortionPassive
If you create a Reaper, deaths tonight are arbitrary.

Flavor Fakeclaim

Elise Malheur

”You do so much… sometimes, I wish I could be as young as you again.”

A young (18-year old) widow of a goldsmith, she lives alone off the small fortune her husband left her. Although she’s not actively involved in the Cult’s activities, she does know of them from Phebe and her friends, and they treat her as an outside part of her group, just one that’s too shut-in to go with them most places. She is very cordial with them, and they like going over to her place for tea and cookies, and Rosalind often cooks food for them. She also doesn’t seem to get out much, and she loves having Phebe tell her all about her escapades with the Cult.

Your fellow Deathkissed are:

Magnus Tutuu Hazardwaste
Camelia Videnzne Cecilia Blackrose Oliver Seigneur
Minion Demon Minion