Ojo Artemis - Tried to go for a couriter N1, missed and killed two people. An assassin killed Atlas.
Pithag Magnus - Turned themself into Hui Jing n2, turned Ojo into po n3, gained the puzzle master ability and drunk may
May innkept someone, making their gossip not work during the night Hui Jing got the pithag ability
Hi silviu ur so adorable and cute
hi there! everyone.
i have an. annoucement to make.
so, say theres no pithag, and tutuu’s good, so the gossip on 1-8 coildnt have killed anyone
it would have to be an ojo
n2, icet, atlas, and luka died
n3 nobody died
n4 luna, jarek, and someone died
I must say that you too (I love bunnies)
so ojo doublekilled n2
and ojo triple! killed n4
or luna died to their own gamble
or someone died to their own gossip
if Ojo double killed then the demon can’t be magnus because of jarek
Also, do we all agree here that otterpod is evil or whatever? There’s no artists from what I’ve heard
what if jarek and magnus are evil, and you died gambling them and someone died to their own gossip
this happening wojld be like insanely bad
i gambled may
because, logically
we know one of you/someone had to die to your own abilities, without a pithag
then magnus minion may demon
that works
What’s magnus then
oh, its the only scenario with tutuu good with no pithag, right?