[SFM] Assorted Universes Greatest Idea Mafia - Day 5 (4/17) - WEREWOLVES + SURVIVOR WINS

Anyway, time for a nap now. I doubt I’ll be back before EoD so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

I think having a cop live for too long would be detrimental for wolves, don’t you agree?

As for those 2 dying, Derps is weak Jailkeeper and towntold heavily D2.
Seth was also obvious town as well.

What does this mean

yes yes no yes yes no yes no no yes yes no yes no yes

eod is in 55 mins

Right but you have these 4 players who all pose as social threats or mechanical threats or both, more so than SDA/Seth

I find it odd that SDA/Seth were supposedly prioritized over all of them

i see

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As I said before, Derps as weak Jailkeeper would have been regarded as the biggest threat to wolves and if Trix is Town then it came with the added bonus of framing them.
Admittedly, scum killing Seth the PGO claim is odd now you mention it.

Right but I think the Infinite-Shot Vig at the time may seem like a bigger problem

See the issue is, if scum had plans to frame Trix, then I’d expect them to really try to push Trix. Otherwise, SDA would mostly feel like a wasted factional kill to them. However, I haven’t really seen anyone hardpush for Trix to be executed at all today.

It’s possible that scum had reasons to think Aelin wasn’t an infinite shot vigi, which they might have figured out based on which roles they have as the roles flipped have been 1-2 shot at most.

Wasn’t there a bandwagon on Trix during early D3? I could be remembering it wrong.

eh. I think most scum would take it seriously.
Not sure what reasons would scum have to otherwise think not.

yes no yes no

There was like 2 votes, 1 from Aelin and the other from Italy, but I don’t recall the wagon ever going anywhere.

The only reason I can think of scum to suspect Aelin isn’t an infinite shot vigi, is that they have roles that have limited ability uses too. Though admittedly, it is a leap of logic to conclude that Aelin has limited shots if their roles have limited ability uses from scum perspective.

I count 3 votes on Trix here.

Right so
It’s probably most logical to assume that they took the claim seriously.

I think Catbae jumped on a little later?

I mean Catbae seems to be the only one who does really suspect Trix, but it doesn’t really feel like he’s been hardpushing it.

Yeah Catbae did push Trix after Aelin and Italy.
I think that if if wasn’t for your investigation on Porscha, there’s a chance that Trix would be a serious contender for elimination.

eod is in 7 minuters

i have no fucking clue what the vc is lmao

Just to double check what is VC @Host_Account_2


voted voters count
Bellatrix Aelin, Italy, catbae 3/6
Porscha Bellatrix, CRichard, Intensify, Jarek 4/6
Crichard Leafia 1/6

As for why scum didn’t kill Aelin, if we’re in a world where they’re town. Then it’s possible that scum thought that protectives would be on Aelin and decided to doc dodge.