Evil isn’t a trait that goes to the people that are worst at arguing. In a conversion game it is in fact the polar opposite. I was almost voted out D2. The conversion happened N2.
I don’t think you were?
i am slowly going insane
my characters are so good they cant lower the counter for fragment of the universe
like, Low chance?
fuck you, good result
Luka and otterpopd had their votes parked on me for ages. Magnus changed vote explicitly because they were afraid I would get voted out and townread me
You wanted me to be quote “blown up”
You wanted to tie the wagons 3-way onto me
Why would anybody convert me. Why would Ash, not long for this world in the slightest, convert me. Why would that make any sense to do.
And you said this to Ash so he was certainly aware and thinking about the fact that you heavily suspected me
What information about Pandora/GoldenOne’s role was out there on D2
hey dumb idea but what if you marked all potential convert candidates and we just killed all at once
None, looks like. I’m going to use my own logic and say unlikely convert? She was mech not converted which several people took as locktown, which means she’s still more likely than me, but VOTE: Gorta
would take too long
Hmmm well that’s almost hammer. VOTE: PlagueSimp To Be On The Board
notable on my home site for causing a mole in town circle by getting the det to claim to me, convincng them to claim to no one else, and then janitoring them
i love weird complicated wolf plays. may’s right, complex role does not clear me at all