SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

Ordeals are separated by Color and Time
So the one in the image is Violet Dawn

Violet Dawn does something different than say
Crimson Dawn
And Crimson Dawn is completely different than Crimson Noon

zorvo not reading the rolecard theyā€™re proposing isā€¦ weird. but ok

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The only warning i will give you if you play the game

Just trust me here

For the record, the game continues if a neutral non-killer is the last evil standing.
The only exception was a killer-crowned king, but the Lich is dead.

Oh really?
Thats dumb as hell

Reverse that. I said that so wrong.

The game ends if the BD are eliminated, whether or not a neutral exists.

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I talked to Gorta about that before.
Gorta says it depends on his irl availability.

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Game doesnā€™t continue if non neut killer is last evil
Exception is if theyre king?

Exception if the Psychopathic King, crowned from most neutral killers.

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Or archduke king

Im assuming revolutionary king counts towards this?

Maybe not

Presumably, yes.
Although thatā€™s all theoretical.

Unless you feel like considering Ifrit worlds for added hilarity.

I dont even know if its possible for an ifrit world

Aside from maybe the legendary frame on amelia

Isnā€™t that NK?

Yep! The Nk that has GRANT WISH

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btw all of my tests are coming back normal so iā€™m nominally fine and good to continue playing mafia. I think thereā€™s no mechanical way for me to prove that Iā€™m not BD, which is maybe the point? unless again someone has a secret loud day action I can block. or a quiet one that gives feedback if youā€™re okay with keeping me alive for a day. sorry

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Hey so good news is I know thereā€™s still a convert

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