SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

I think watching Zorvo would be a good idea tonight, if the game doesn’t end today.

I’m dead tonight if fraz0r didn’t heal me guarding myself would have done nothing


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although, it might end today even if we are wrong


let’s say Plague that ends the game

We don’t have a Visionary. That’s something to know.

This means Gocj took on the Godfather passive N1, and the scumteam abstained from using their important day abilities at all during the early game, I guess.

because they have a mark on you? They don’t have a mark on fraz0r.

If we’re wrong sure I guess

I want to hear Otter’s claim today before anything else.

They claimed mortician

I meant action claim.

yes, which would kill two people and you will also die during the night, so we get wrong today 5 v 1 → 2 v 1 nevermind

It should have been to cop someone. We’ll see.

Yeah we’re fine :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t worry too much unless there’s a hidden NE still around. But it’d be you if it was, so from your perspective we should be fine

I’m particularly interested in seeing how thorough Otter’s cop is, though.

If Magnus thinks I’m EK there’s nothing stopping them from poisoning me as well and solving that problem. I’m bleeding either way so it’s eh?

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I’m waiting for Otter’s claim

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I will say there’s kinda no reason for me to lie about bleeding in this situation and every reason to hide the fact I was bleeding to signal if I was evil

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For the record, assuming Plague is the Arcanist, they would only have Gorta marked at the moment.