SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

I’m really curious on what this cop check will yield

I don’t really wanna progress the day or say anything without hearing it but if it’s on who I hope it was then it could just be plague

Crucify me for saying that I know

I hear yeah.

And I was THIS :pinching_hand: close to killing Jarek last night but I just couldn’t after going over his posts again and being like “Damn this is Jarek’s game man”.

The Heroine if it’s plague would have a very good reason to worry about being roleblocked last night given the 2 cops would be left undisturbed.

Too worried to attack either of the cops for fear of my protection and hoping by Magnus claiming to RB them they’d be cleared that way. Fraz0r is a healer and town-read, so get rid of them. Zorvo likely being healed by the healer.

No need to waste an execution though on Jarek.
I can kill him tonight.

But I still think he’s town so.

I’m bleeding to death bring it

It’s over for you I have the O-

This would mean that they’d no longer be roleblock immune and would not have the capacity to be roleblock immune for the rest of this game and could theoretically be tested for this tonight if we wanted to.

Right so I have a conclusion.

Ash was one salty MF.

VOTE: Magnus

I’d wait for the cop check first.

Plague wanted me to roleblock Otter yesterday. I wasn’t directly asked to, but I saw it.

I’m just saying that it’s possible plague’s claim was to buy time. Not necessarily to avoid being roleblocked though.

I’m absolutely cleared from the no-kill night if Jarek’s evil, for the record.

If you’re a wolf, why don’t you attack plague over-night and double kill fraz0r and gorta and fuck with the cop check?

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Who do you think the Mage is?

I don’t think there is a Mage

If there is, we already lose