SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

My decision is that I don’t actually believe in wins so this decision shouldn’t be on me

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@fraZ0R Please stop doing integrity breaches


It would make playing this game mean something. Right now this is a slap in the face and it’s quite painful


Yes I am taking this a bit too seriously I admit but emotions are emotions

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What happened to plague pfo

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Loop standards of game integrity are much looser than they are here. Everything in the thread stays in the thread. No matter how idle a conversation. Do not call me out for “lurking” in this game because I’m playing another game we’re both in. Do not mention any conversation from this game outside of it. Please

You can mildly integrity breach Loop games in here though you can talk about Loop games here nobody gives a shit

Can’t wait for Yakuza 0 to start so I can integrity breach that game too

I knew Jarek’s weird guilt about executing me but unwillingness to reconsider was Odd, but I just thought I was subconsciously ATEing much more than I thought. In hindsight that was because he was a Wolf. Should’ve caught that.

yeah i dont actually like really care about whether i win or lose i played to have fun
and i did

I had a lot of fun
dying n1

i should probably specchat more often it’s kinda funny sometimes

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have you tried pulling ravenkeeper or whatever the ravenkeeper equivalent is on this script

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There isn’t one



Additionally I kept oging back and forth between scumreading and trying not to scumread Ash for townreading me because wolves LOVE to townread me and it turns out that instinct is right so prepare for me to intensely reverse OMGUS everybody in the world forever next game

by the way i pulled aristocrat both games so i thought for like the first half of d1 that it was an oops all aristocrats game

should’ve scumread ash for instantly claiming bd tbh. what are the odds he pinpoints the exact faction that’s in the game. yes i know it’s 50%


I was the fucking MARSHAL last game and then I rand a role which DOES NOTHING