SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

Ash (1): Gorta
PlagueSimp (1): fraZ0R
May (1): PrettyPrincess
Amelia (1): Jarek
fraZ0R (1): snowe

Not Voting (9): Hazardwaste, May, Amelia, Magnus, Ash, otterpopd, Zorvo, PlagueSimp, Frostwolf103

I am more surprised it didnā€™t reach over 9000 already

Honestly, if Litten is suspecting Ash and Gorta is carrying his mission from dead man. I am wondering whether he had other players in mind?

Imo id rather wait for the wazza flip before we act on this in any shape way or form.

We dont vote it and wazza flips non town
We make amelia conversion immune
We dont vote it and wazza flips town
We investigate amelia

Im surprised you guys missed it, I mentioned it a lot near eod

Yeah the mind flayer would rather murder the marshal and the plaguebearer

I feel like day two has consisted of more game talk and less fluff (aside from me being me) and also the fact that we actually had some leads and 3 trials total today contributes

For NK, its not Gorta, myself, Zorvo, Ash and Jarek

leaves up to Frazor, princess, Hazard, May, Amelia, Magnus, Otto or Plague.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s very contributive day

Ash (1): Gorta
PlagueSimp (1): fraZ0R
May (1): PrettyPrincess
Amelia (1): Jarek

Alright, so clearly nobody is quite sure where to go from here.
I saw Ash pop in before to effectively say heā€™s not going to defend himself before. Irrespective of alignment, please donā€™t give up like this. In a late game scenario this sort of behaviour effectively means people canā€™t read you and have to vote you no matter what. Itā€™s not fun for you, it potentially throws the game if youā€™re good, and thatā€™s not fun for everyone else.

Letā€™s seeā€¦

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Likewise, heā€™s not attempted by BD to convert him to keep that in mind.

By the way, good morning.


Rested up a bit I see.

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Well, if they role-guess them then why wouldnā€™t they

Im not sure what you mean by this

The roleguessing ability they have would incentivize them to kill known roles to guarantee kills

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Are you just agreeing with that?

Yeah okay thats

What I thought you meant

For some reason I thought the mind flayer got like a multi kill thing off of guessing because i didnt read MF much

what stops them from guessing a role and then attacking someone else

Honestly its only fair to say you have to come out and admit you did roleblock Ash, or we would assumed that my theory is correct because I used case closed N1 is the reason why Ash proclaims she got roleblocked while visiting me N1.

Visionary can be roleblocked and if thatā€™s the person weā€™re looking for then we got this in the bag.

Nothing, i dont think

Ash (1): Gorta
PlagueSimp (1): fraZ0R
May (1): PrettyPrincess
Amelia (1): Jarek

Not Voting (9): Hazardwaste, May, Amelia, Magnus, Ash, otterpopd, Zorvo, PlagueSimp, Frostwolf103

How do people feel about this?
I previously had everyone here (except Ash and Otter) as green, so Iā€™ve taken a couple away.

Iā€™d file Plague as town, imo.

I would be inclined to agree, but I townread most people.