SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

sadly we cant see your face so

I was going to say at least 1 evil, the not voting pool is also big.

Magnus’ joking face:

Magnus’ serious face:

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The joke is that you can’t discern emotions.


VOTE: Snowe.
Yeah, sure.



VOTE: Snowe

W/E lets go ham :wolf_knife:

VOTE: Snowe
time to feel bad if this flips town

Zorvo is outed evil for reaction baiting.


Why are we voting Snowe again?

They aren’t a traitor, or they didn’t start as one. There second post reveals that they didn’t know the game had started, which a scum would be more aware of. In addition to that, they seem to have a townie mindset. In there fourth post, stating they would be bad at the gmae for example; scum generally doesn’t provide excuses like that, its the townies that go into it saying that which gets accused by other townies. Therefor, the princess will not vote somebody loyal to the court.


Because we don’t have the best idea who to kill instead.
I was talking about Luka / Otter, but it’s whatever.

is it possible to hammer a no vote

It is, but I don’t think that’s the play this early in the game.

Yes, it’s possible.

did not know that

The Princess would like to point out that the entirety of D1 she was pushing the visionary. In addition to that, the Princess believes that she wouldn’t be a convert due to her attitude, seemingly daring scum to convert her, which can be utilized along with WIFOM to get protectives on her. Scum must’ve realized this, as well as her pushing the visionary all game which further incentivies protectives to be on her, therefor she wouldn’t be a traitor. The Princess is a Loyalist, and should be treated as such!

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anyways we have uh
an hour and thirty mins now

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So presumably Otter, then.
Or possibly Hazard.