We had seventy-two hours to reach a consensus, this is fine.
This is just Ace Attorney. We needed every single second.
This game is an advocacy campaign for 24-hour days.
We don’t have twenty-four hour days because it sucks if you’re gone for one of them.
i wish we didnt
this game is a time-hellscape
irl timesnatcher fucking with us
I made that time paradox since I was one from the previous universe
could you please not fuck with the space-time next time please, thank you
I activate Bites the Dust and send you back to the beginning of D2.
aaaaaa an hour and a half until day end
uh. i WAS feeling better but then my left hand went back to feeling weak (nerve issue, not a stroke or anything)
why are we voting snowe. can we at least pretend there is a second option
iu did not mean to reply to that specifically
Hope your left hand gets better soon!
Anyone can feel free to vote a counterwagon, no problem.
You actually have a left hand because you have a hand left.
Does this count as pressure?
if only that was applicable here
Not really.
Imagine if Eliza added both BD and Hand of Bees into this setup.
I dont know who i am voting. Why is everyone on 1 vote bar snowee
You’re missing out a lot,