SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

Also, what.

I would like for them to speak more

I am always pro-hatecriming someone

It was really difficult for me

  1. different types of rice take different amount of time and water
  2. the only thing you need to do is have a good water ratio and good cooking time. But nobody agrees on what those are, even for the same type of rice. Ive seen anywhere from 1.5 to 2 cup of water ratio recommended, and anywhere from 10 to 20 min cooking time, and anywhere from 5 to 20 min steaming time recommended. And those are significant differences
  3. everyone says different stuff. Some say put it before water boils, some say after. Some put oil/butter or salt in the pot. Some let it steam. Some feral primates dont wash it. Its an information jungle out there

on one hand there’s the ???/18 chat not including myself of course that we hit an evil, neutral or NK at complete random but there’s also the much higher chance we just kill a townie

Hows about we do the tried and true method of killing a lowposter :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s a neut that does that

Misexecuted so many consecutive times. I am not that sad but one gets tired

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Didnt mean to imply you are my friend

You presented your own self in an awkward light in that post in reference

Do you mind me asking what rice you use?

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I mostly just need to learn to Cope with it, I react badly to votes cause I used to never get suspected or executed. It is good for me to be voted. Personal development


…which one?


Killing a low poster is like
Barely better than no exe imo

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Is there silencing?

Self-deprecative humor is one of my main things I do when I do things I just default to it. Natural inclination or something.

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I didnt mean to imply that he’s socially awkward

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ew no



Commas save lives

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